Despite being born and raised in one of the poorest and most dangerous places in Mexico City by an alcoholic mother, Sandro Torres managed to change his life and find personal happiness. After he fell into depression at age twenty-eight following a traumatic event, Torres turned his life around when he noticed that he was made to serve others. He learned concepts about achieving happiness and becoming successful from several authors upon making it his hobby to read every day, acquiring an insatiable curiosity about books focusing on finding true happiness.
Torres has collected the most important concepts he’s thus far come across and has summarized them in this book in hopes of helping others find happiness and overcome their challenges.
Follow Torres’ tumultuous journey as he struggled to escape an unhealthy environment and overcome his dysfunctional habits and depression to become a successful entrepreneur and personal trainer in the Roaring Fork Valley, Colorado, fulfilling his dreams in serving and sharing his happiness with others.
This book is available through Click Here to order now!