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Love Is... by Cathy Heyliger

Love Is... by Cathy Heyliger

Love Is...

By Cathy Heyliger


The author Cathy Heyliger of Love is… wanted to share this book with other parents because of her unique experience as not only a parent, but an early childhood educator. As a Montessori preschool teacher since the late 80’s, she knows how much wisdom the young child carries in their heart. How very aware they are of who they are and how they fit into the world. It is our job as parents to help them be aware of all the aspects of being human and prevent them from suffering whenever possible.


One of her sons knew there was something different about him in kindergarten when he had a crush on a boy named Quinn. It was at that moment in his life that he started to question how he fit into the heterosexual world. Every year it became more solidified and more defined in his mind that he did not fit. Instead of thinking it was okay he began to hate himself for being different, he thought he was a freak. Her husband and she had no idea he was grappling with these thoughts. If only they had been more aware of his conflict, they could they have addressed and possibly prevented his pain.


This book is her prevention method! There are lots of books out there about my two mommies or two daddies, but unless you are from a family like this, it is not necessarily a book you would seek out or pick up. She did not… but wishes with all her heart she would have! It would have prevented years of heartache for both of her precious sons who came out in their early teens. She aches to know of all the men and women out there who have gone through any part their lives hiding their secret to try and fit in! She also understands how terribly painful it must be for a child who begins to realize they are transgender! Her most fervent hope is that Love is… is an early and first step in exposing our children to the ideas of acceptance and love for whoever they are!!!


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